Empowering Education Through Digital Innovation in Timor-Leste

Multi Science Academy

Education Is TheEngine of Development

Plataforma Inovativu Primeiru iha Timor-Leste Hodi Ajuda Timoroan Sira Aprende Siensia

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150k Optimisation

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Multi Science Academy

About MSA

Education Is The Engine of Development

Multi Science Academy (MSA) eziste tamba Timor-Leste nia nesesidade ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha siénsia, edukasaun no hamosu akdemista ne’ebé exelensi iha Timor-Leste. Ho ezistensia MSA iha Timor-Leste, bele kria oportunidade barak ba joven Timoroan no hirak ne’ebé hakarak hasae prestasaun no dezenvolve nia skill iha siénsia.

  • Vizaun: Akademia siensia ho kualidade exelensia iha Timor-Leste.
  • Atu Produs akademista no reseracher timorense ne’ebe kualidade no inovativu hodi dezenvolve siensia oioin iha Timor-Leste.
  • Atu tulun foinsae sira no hirak ne’ebe presiza tebes siensia hodi prepara rekursu umanu ba dezenvolvimentu nasional.
Aprende Siénsia no Teknolojia

Aprende Siénsia Iha MSA ho Fleksível

Multi Science Academy (MSA) é plataforma edukasaun inovativu iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé fó oportunidade ba Timoroan atu aprende siénsia. Programa sira hotu-hotu hala’o husi mentor profisionál, ne’ebé fó atensaun ba nesesidade Timor-Leste. Alén de edukasaun, MSA mos organiza kompetisaun akademiku hodi ajuda hasae prestasaun iha siénsia no soft skill relevante.

Ingilés Básiku

Kursu ne’e sei ajuda partisipante sira atu komprende baze-baze lian Inglés ho fokús iha uza praktika no dezenvolve habilidade hanesan vokabuláriu, estrutura fráze, no komprende teksu ka hatene rona.

Oratória Básica

Kursu ne’e sei ajuda partisipante sira atu haburas habilidade atu koalia iha publiku, ne'ebe importante ba komunikasaun efikás iha kontestu privadu no profisionál.

Lideransa Básica

Kursu ne’e nudar fo hanoin no habilidade baze iha lideransa, ho fokús ba teori, aplika praktika no dezenvolve an mesak.


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What Our Clients Are Saying

"The team at multiscienceacademy went above and beyond to understand our business needs and deliver a tailored IT solution that exceeded our expectations. Their expertise and dedication, and we couldn't be happier with the results."

Produtu MSA

"At Multi Science Academy, countless individuals have transformed their lives through our innovative programs. Our alumni include entrepreneurs who have launched successful startups, IT specialists who have advanced their careers, and professionals who have gained valuable skills to excel in their fields."

Iha Multi Science Academy

Hato'o pasu liu ba objektivu edukasaun iha Timor-Leste.